- Chansey
- Suggested Price
- £0.06
- Average
- £0.07
- Maximum
- £1.57
- Minimum
- £0.01
- Last updated
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Rules, legalities and regulations
- Legalities
- Standard
- Standard: Legal
- Expanded
- Expanded: Legal
- Unlimited
- Unlimited: Legal
- Regulation mark
- F
- Delicious Egg
Heal 30 damage from 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
Colorless- Gentle Slap
- Damage: 30ColorlessColorless
- Artist
- ryoma uratsuka
- Flavour text
- The egg Chansey carries is not only delicious but also packed with nutrition. It's used as a high-class cooking ingredient.
- HP
- 130
- National Pokedex numbers
- 113
- Rarity
- Uncommon
- Types
- Colorless
- Weaknesses
- Fighting (×2)
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