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Staying safe

Report a user

To report a user, go to the profile of the user, click the drop down menu in the top right corner of the screen and select report user. Enter the reason for reporting the user and any more information you have in relation to the report.

Report an item

To report an item, go to the item page, click the drop down menu in the top right corner of the screen and select ‘report item’. Enter the reason for reporting the user and any more information you have in relation to the report. You will receive a response within 7 days of your report.

Report a message

If you receive a message which you are unsure about you are able to report a message, this may result in action being taken against a user if there is evidence of attempted scamming, phishing or other problems.

Get in Contact

If you are worried about something on hoardboard and want to get in touch, you can use our Contact form here

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